About the Journal
The Journal of Creative Perspectives (JCP) is an open-access journal launched in 2024, dedicated to providing an inclusive platform for scholarly contributions across art, architecture, design, visual culture, UI/UX, and visual communications. With a mission to facilitate free and unrestricted access to knowledge, JCP is fully open access, allowing readers from around the world to engage with and benefit from cutting-edge research and creative works without subscription barriers.
Focus and Scope
JCP invites submissions from diverse perspectives and disciplines, aiming to foster dialogue that bridges theory and practice across the creative fields. The journal publishes original research articles, critical essays, reviews, and visual essays, prioritizing innovative approaches and interdisciplinary work that examine the evolving intersections of creativity, culture, and design.
Copyright Notice
Authors who publish with Journal of Creative Perspectives retain copyright over their work, with JCP operating under a Creative Commons license. This allows authors to share their research freely while ensuring proper attribution and protecting their rights.
Sponsorship Disclosure
Currently, Journal of Creative Perspectives does not receive any external sponsorship.
Archival and Preservation Policy
Privacy Statement
Journal of Creative Perspectives adheres to strict privacy guidelines to protect the data of our readers, authors, and reviewers. Any personal information collected will be used solely for the purposes of journal operations and will not be shared with third parties without consent.
JCP is proud to contribute to the open exchange of knowledge and invites readers, authors, and reviewers to participate in shaping the future of creative scholarship.
ISSN: 2944-6163
- Publisher's Name: Hesam Mosharraf,PhD.
- Headquarters Location: Hamburg,Germany
- Contact Information: jcp@academichub.eu